SAAS Robotics FAQ

Contact us with any further quEstions

How much experience do I need to participate?

Student with no experience are welcome to join the robotics team. We have many students every year that have had no background in robotics and just want to learn.

When does it start?

The FRC preseason begins in Fall, and returning students are encouraged to work on self guided projects while incoming freshmen and new students learn the fundamental skills required for the season launch in Winter. The regular season begins Winter Trimester and continues on into Spring. Students are encouraged to participate in the preseason but it is not a requirement for participation during the regular season in Winter.

What is the time commitment?

Redshift robotics has a preseason in Fall that is two hours a week after school on Mondays and Wednesdays, and one or two Saturdays a month that run 10am-2pm. Students are encouraged to attend all practices but we also accommodate students who want to commit to some practices but not all because of other commitments (Theater, Athletics, HW, etc.).

The regular season in winter has an increased commitment. There are three practices a week for 3.5 hours each after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Saturday practices are most weekends and run from 10am to 5pm. Once again interested students do not have to attend every practice unless you are part of the Robotics Leadership Team. 

Is the robotics team a class or a club? Can I get class credit for Robotics?

The robotics team is considered a team and does not meet during a regularly scheduled class period; however, because of the high level of time and developed skills SAAS does give credit for participation in the club. Students can earn a credit for fall trimester and another credit for winter trimester. 

What kind of programming is done in robotics?

The robotics club builds coding skills through the instruction of Java, Python, and C++. There are pre-built libraries that offer access to our motor and servo controllers along with use of Github as a center of our code. 

Can I do a sport and robotics at the same time?

Sport overlaps are common and we consider these for each individual student. The same goes for students committed to non athletic programs.

How do I get involved?

Show up and commit to a practice schedule. Communicate with one of the team mentors and come to practice after school on a practice day. Also feel free to reach out to Gerald Elliott with any questions you may have about the program.